Aster Key is a mobile app where you can anonymize and update your financial data and documents. It’s like being your own credit agency.
When you are ready, you can securely and instantly apply for a mortgage or home equity loan. Never fill out an unsafe loan application again!
JPMorgan Chase
Lenders, finance apps, and credit agencies pass your data around like a hot potato creating hundreds of points of failure. No one can tell you all the places your data is sent or sold.
Lenders store your personal information commingled with your financial data on their servers. This makes it easy for hackers to commit fraud and identity theft once they break into a system.
CBS News
Aster Key puts you in control of YOUR DATA. Our patented system masks your identity, which is encrypted and stored separately from your financial data! Your data is verified and stored on your mobile phone. Not servers. Even Aster Key does not have access to your data.
Now that you are in control of your data, you can safely generate a financial statement or proof of funds letter. You can also apply for a loan with mainstream lenders integrated with Aster Key.
It’s fast and easy to start using Aster Key
Your anonymous financial profile is the foundation to access Aster Key features and services. Once you get your data in Aster Key, it updates for life saving you time and keeping your data safe.
Forward-thinking lenders let you start your loan from your anonymous Aster key app. We make mortgage lending faster, safer and more efficient.
Imagine getting anonymously approved for a loan based only on your financials. The entire process controlled by you. Stick with us – we are reimagining lending so it is fast, fair, secure, and since you maintain your own data – cheaper!