
Create an anonymous financial statement

A personal financial statement is essential to understanding your finances and applying for a loan. Organizing and keeping your data safe can be difficult. With the Aster Key mobile app, your financial data is secure, beautifully arranged, and at your fingertips.

“Creating your financial statement in anonymous mode is like being invisible, giving you the freedom to organize your financial life and explore your options without fear of being judged or hacked.”



Aster Key is a mobile app where you can anonymize and store your financial data and documents. You can generate, view, print, and share your financial statement.

Within the Aster Key app, once you add verified data, you can also create a Proof of Funds letter or apply for a loan. Aster Key is convenient and easy to use.


  • Encrypted on your mobile phone
  • Automatically verfies your data
  • Secure and private data storage
  • Easy to update
  • All your data in one place
  • Deter hackers
  • Share Anonymously